Shame - NEW!

Shame is feeling your forehead burn as you furtively peruse the Special Ed section at the library or bookstore as if you were viewing pornography.

Shame is walking past the child therapist's office with Sasha so that a parent I recognize from school won't see where we're going.

Shame is telling another parent that the reason Sasha sees the school nurse every day is to get allergy medicine.

Shame is not saying Sasha has Asperger's Syndrome.

Shame is saying she has Asperger's Syndrome. That's labeling.

Shame is mentioning Sasha's "issues" to someone then enduring their skepticism or disbelief or, worse: pity, wariness, fear, judgement, then their subtle, silent retreat, like they've discovered we have leprosy.

Shame is not alerting teachers, camp counselors, sitters and the like to Sasha’s issues, then something goes awry and I’m of course in the wrong for not saying anything. Not just in the wrong--dishonest, trying to pull a fast one by not warning others.

Do people really need to be warned about my child?

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